IPASS Final Video

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Distractions in the Vehicle

1.Cell phones

Q: Why is this a problem?

A: Cell phones are a major distraction. In a 2008 survey by Nationwide Insurance, 67% of the people surveyed admitted to using a cell phone while driving.

2. Other people

Q: What do children, friends, and pets all have in common?

A: All can be a dangerous distraction while driving. Loud talking, quarreling over music selections, horseplay, arguments and other disturbing conversations should take place elsewhere. NOT in the vehicle!

3. Turning dials, Windows, and Mirrors

Q: How can this be dangerous?

A: It's a distracting activity that can put you and your passenger into a dangerous situation. You should adjust a vehicle's controls (climate controls, mirrors, radio, seats, etc.) before you begin to drive. If you are with a passenger ask them to adjust the radio, climate, or navigation system for you.

4. Food and Drinks

Q: If you are eating while you are driving what do you pay more attention to, driving or eating?

A: If you are eating within your vehicle you are focusing on your food rather your driving. You aren't just eating the food you are also opening packages, unwrapping and re-wrapping foods, reaching, leaning, and cleaning up your mess. Make time before you leave or when you reach your destination so you can have a bite to eat!

1 comment:

  1. Nice one Jamie. Those are reallly good tips to follow.
