IPASS Final Video

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Teen Safe Driving Proclamation


The week of May 11-18 has been declared Teen Safe Driving Week by the Village of Manito, Illinois.

WHEREAS, The Village of Manito and the Midwest Central Communities are concerned about Teen Driving and the Safety of our Youth; and

WHEREAS, Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of teen fatalities; and

WHEREAS, The Midwest Central High School IPASS Program, a teen-led, program dedicated to reducing driving-related teen deaths and injuries in the state of Illinois and the nation by working locally, statewide and nationally to inform teens about the human costs of traffic crashes and to promote safe driving practices for all drivers; and

WHEREAS, Teen Safe Driving Week is a safe driving campaign designed to raise awareness about the importance of driving safely, wearing seat belts, avoiding distractions, and the dangers of driving impaired ; and

WHEREAS, This year’s campaign focuses on the positive actions that each driver can take to ensure their safety and the safety of others; and

WHEREAS, The most dangerous part of the year for teen drivers is summer because they are spending more time on the road, it’s increasingly important for drivers to be fully prepared when they get behind the wheel; and

NOW, THEREFORE, I, Tim Sondag, Mayor, do hereby proclaim the week of May 11-18- 2000 as TEEN SAFE DRIVING WEEK and call upon all community members to join in this lifesaving observance and encourage teens to drive safe, drive smart and to wear their seat belts.

IPASS Community Leader - Tim Sondag, Mayor, Manito, Illinois

Monday, May 4, 2009

Operation Prom Night

On Wednesday, April 29th, Midwest Central High School participated in Operation Prom Night. With help from the American Red Cross, local Law Enforcement Agencies, local Fire Protection and Ambulance Squads, and the Mason County Coroner we were able to present a very realistic crash scene scenario at our school. Students were told that a drunk driver who attended a drinking party after prom hit several students who were coming home from the school sponsored post-prom party. Two other students were the first people on the scene and called 911.
Operation Prom Night is a good reminder to students about what can happen when they drive impaired. In this scenario, the drunk driver caused one fatality and multiple serious injuries. Students were reminded that he would have to live the rest of his life, with the knowledge that he was responsible for a death. Students also heard, from the coroner, how hard it is on parents and families when they learn what has happened to their child.