IPASS Final Video

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Driving While Under the Influence

Driving under the influence is one of the main causes of crashes.

You should never drive while impaired (drunk, high, or too tired).

  • In 2006, 31% of all teens killed in wrecks were impaired.

  • Alcohol use is more common among teenage boys than girls.

  • You should never ride passenger with someone who is impaired.

  • If you get caught driving under the influence, you could lose your license, pay fines, or even face jail time or probation.


Question: What percentage of teenagers have drank and drove?

Answer: 18.3%

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Be Smart, Stay Alive, Buckle Up!

  • Approximately 35,000 people die in motor vehicle crashes each year. About 50% of these people could be saved if they wore their seatbelt.
  • More than 90% of all motorists believe safety belts are a good idea, but less than 14% actually use them. Are you going to be part of this 14%, or are you going to risk your life by not using a seatbelt?

Our team did an experiment to find out the average time it takes to put on a seat belt and it was approximately 3.5 seconds. Recovery time from an accident in which you are not wearing a seat belt could take months or even years - IF you survive.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What are your responses to these crazy and surprising facts?

  1. After staying awake for 24 hours straight, a person will be about as impaired as if he/she had enough alcohol to be legally drunk in most states.
  2. After 24 hours of sleeplessness, an individual is about as impaired as an individual with a 0.10 BAC (blood alcohol content).
  3. After 17 hours of sleeplessness, an individual is about as impaired as an individual with a 0.05 BAC.

Who's mostly at risk?

  • Teenagers
  • Commercial Drivers
  • Shift Workers

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

April Showers Bring May Flowers...

Warm weather also brings more teens out on the roads and an increase in hazardous driving habits such as e-brake slides on wet pavement.

Do e-brake slides hurt your car?
  • E-brake slides do not necessarily hurt your car as soon as it happens. However, they do cause unnecessary wear and tear on vital parts of your car.
  • Not only are e-brake slides harmful to your car, they can be harmful to others, as well as yourself.
  • You can easily lose control of your car and endanger your life and others around you.

Monday, March 16, 2009



"Nearly 40% of all fatal teen crashes are caused by speeding".


"Almost 25% of teen guys say they speed because it's 'fun'. Their injured friends, however, disagree".

OPINION- There is nothing "fun" about a car crash.

Source - The Brutal Truths - keepthedrive.com

Friday, March 13, 2009

Texting and Driving Message

What do you think about texting and driving?

Texting while driving leads the list as the biggest driving distraction. A study in 2007 showed that 900 teens from 26 high schools nationwide revealed that text-messaging while driving is becoming as dangerous as drinking and driving.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Welcome to the Midwest Central - IPASS Blog. IPASS stands for I Practice Auto Safety Skills. This is the second year for the IPASS Program here at Midwest Central. We have done some pretty neat things over the last couple of years and we plan to have a lot of fun raising awareness throught the ACT OUT LOUD campaign. We feel that this program is really important to our school and community, so check our blog often and watch for interesting tips and videos!


The Midwest Central - IPASS Committee